Module: dggal
Type: Class
Base Class: Instance


Main DGGAL classs for defining and querying a particular Discrete Global Grid Reference System

Virtual Methods

  compactZones Compact a list of zones by recursively replacing a full set of children of a parent zone by that parent zone
  countSubZones Return the number of sub-zones within a parent zone at a specific relative depth
  countZoneEdges Return the number of edges for a zone
  countZones Return the number of zones at a specific refinement level
  getFirstSubZone Return the first sub-zone of a parent zone at a particular relative depth based on the deterministic order of sub-zones
  getIndexMaxDepth Return the maximum relative depth at which sub-zone indices can be queried and resolved for this DGGRS
  getMaxChildren Return the maximum number of children for this DGGRS
  getMaxDGGRSZoneLevel Return the maximum refinement level which a DGGRSZone can identify for this DGGSRS
  getMaxNeighbors Return the maximum number of neighbors for this DGGRS
  getMaxParents Return the maximum number of parents for this DGGRS
  getRefinementRatio Return the refinement ratio of this DGGRS
  getSubZoneAtIndex Return a DGGRS zone for the sub-zone at a particular index and relative depth for a parent zone
  getSubZoneCRSCentroids Return the centroids (in a particular CRS or the default CRS) for all sub-zone of a parent zone at a particular relative depth in the deterministic order
  getSubZoneIndex Return the index of a sub-zone in a parent's zone sub-zones based on the deterministic order
  getSubZoneWGS84Centroids Return the centroids (in WGS84 geodetic coordinates) for all sub-zone of a parent zone at a particular relative depth in the deterministic order
  getSubZones Return the sub-zones of a parent zone at a particular relative depth
  getZoneArea Return the geodetic area of a zone in meters squared
  getZoneCRSCentroid Return the centroid of a DGGRS zone (in a particular CRS or the default CRS)
  getZoneCRSExtent Return the extent of a DGGRS zone (in a particular CRS or the default CRS)
  getZoneCRSVertices Return the vertices of a DGGRS zone (in a particular CRS or the default CRS)
  getZoneCentroidChild Return the centroid child zone of a DGGRS zone
  getZoneCentroidParent Return the parent zone of a DGGRS zone which parent is itself a centroid child
  getZoneChildren Return the children zones of a DGGRS zone
  getZoneFromCRSCentroid Return the DGGRS zone within which the specified coordinates (in a particular CRS or the default CRS) fall
  getZoneFromTextID Return the DGGRS zone associated with a textual identifier
  getZoneFromWGS84Centroid Return the DGGRS zone within which the specified coordinates (in WGS84 geodetic coordinates) fall
  getZoneLevel Return the refinement level of a DGGRS zone
  getZoneNeighbors Return the neighboring zones of a DGGRS zone
  getZoneParents Return the parent zones of a DGGRS zone
  getZoneRefinedCRSVertices Return the vertices of a DGGRS zone (in a particular CRS or the default CRS), including intermediate points refining the geometry of the zone suitable for accurately representing this geometry
  getZoneRefinedWGS84Vertices Return the vertices of a DGGRS zone (in WGS84 geodetic coordinates), including intermediate points refining the geometry of the zone suitable for accurately representing this geometry
  getZoneTextID Return the textual identifier of a DGGRS zone
  getZoneWGS84Centroid Return the centroid of a DGGRS zone (in WGS84 geodetic coordinates)
  getZoneWGS84Extent Return the extent of a DGGRS zone (in WGS84 geodetic coordinates)
  getZoneWGS84Vertices Return the vertices of a DGGRS zone (in WGS84 geodetic coordinates)
  isZoneCentroidChild Check whether the zone is the centroid child of a parent zone
  listZones Return the list of zones at a particular refinement level within a bounding box expressed in WGS84 geodetic coordinates

Non-Virtual Methods

  areZonesNeighborsCheck whether two zones are neighbors
  areZonesSiblingsCheck whether two zones are siblings
  doZonesOverlapCheck whether two zones overlap
  doesZoneContainCheck whether a zone contain another zone
  get64KDepthReturn the relative depth at which a typical parent zone has around 64,000 sub-zones
  getLevelFromMetersPerSubZoneReturn the refinement level of a parent zone corresponding to a specified meters per sub-zone for a particular relative depth
  getLevelFromPixelsAndExtentReturn the refinement level of a parent zone corresponding to particular pixel dimensions, geographic extent and relative depth
  getLevelFromRefZoneAreaReturn the refinement level corresponding to the reference area specified in meters squared.
  getLevelFromScaleDenominatorReturn the refinement level of a parent zone corresponding to a specified scale denominator for a particular relative depth and display resolution (in millimeters per pixel)
  getMaxDepthGet the maximum depth at which a full list of sub-zones can be returned
  getMetersPerSubZoneFromLevelReturn the meters per sub-zone for the specified parent zone refinement level and relative depth
  getRefZoneAreaReturn the reference area specified in meters squared for a particular refinement level
  getScaleDenominatorFromLevelReturn the scale denominator for a particular relative depth and display resolution (in millimeters per pixel) associated with a specified parent zone refinement level
  isZoneAncestorOfCheck whether a zone is an ancestor of another zone
  isZoneContainedInCheck whether a zone is contained within another zone
  isZoneDescendantOfCheck whether a zone is a descendant of another zone
  isZoneImmediateChildOfCheck whether a zone is an immediate child of another zone
  isZoneImmediateParentOfCheck whether a zone is an immediate parent of another zone
  zoneHasSubZoneCheck whether a zone has another zone as a sub-zone

Derived Classes