compactZones | Compact a list of zones by recursively replacing a full set of children of a parent zone by that parent zone |
countSubZones | Return the number of sub-zones within a parent zone at a specific relative depth |
countZoneEdges | Return the number of edges for a zone |
countZones | Return the number of zones at a specific refinement level |
getFirstSubZone | Return the first sub-zone of a parent zone at a particular relative depth based on the deterministic order of sub-zones |
getIndexMaxDepth | Return the maximum relative depth at which sub-zone indices can be queried and resolved for this DGGRS |
getMaxChildren | Return the maximum number of children for this DGGRS |
getMaxDGGRSZoneLevel | Return the maximum refinement level which a DGGRSZone can identify for this DGGSRS |
getMaxNeighbors | Return the maximum number of neighbors for this DGGRS |
getMaxParents | Return the maximum number of parents for this DGGRS |
getRefinementRatio | Return the refinement ratio of this DGGRS |
getSubZoneAtIndex | Return a DGGRS zone for the sub-zone at a particular index and relative depth for a parent zone |
getSubZoneCRSCentroids | Return the centroids (in a particular CRS or the default CRS) for all sub-zone of a parent zone at a particular relative depth in the deterministic order |
getSubZoneIndex | Return the index of a sub-zone in a parent's zone sub-zones based on the deterministic order |
getSubZoneWGS84Centroids | Return the centroids (in WGS84 geodetic coordinates) for all sub-zone of a parent zone at a particular relative depth in the deterministic order |
getSubZones | Return the sub-zones of a parent zone at a particular relative depth |
getZoneArea | Return the geodetic area of a zone in meters squared |
getZoneCRSCentroid | Return the centroid of a DGGRS zone (in a particular CRS or the default CRS) |
getZoneCRSExtent | Return the extent of a DGGRS zone (in a particular CRS or the default CRS) |
getZoneCRSVertices | Return the vertices of a DGGRS zone (in a particular CRS or the default CRS) |
getZoneCentroidChild | Return the centroid child zone of a DGGRS zone |
getZoneCentroidParent | Return the parent zone of a DGGRS zone which parent is itself a centroid child |
getZoneChildren | Return the children zones of a DGGRS zone |
getZoneFromCRSCentroid | Return the DGGRS zone within which the specified coordinates (in a particular CRS or the default CRS) fall |
getZoneFromTextID | Return the DGGRS zone associated with a textual identifier |
getZoneFromWGS84Centroid | Return the DGGRS zone within which the specified coordinates (in WGS84 geodetic coordinates) fall |
getZoneLevel | Return the refinement level of a DGGRS zone |
getZoneNeighbors | Return the neighboring zones of a DGGRS zone |
getZoneParents | Return the parent zones of a DGGRS zone |
getZoneRefinedCRSVertices | Return the vertices of a DGGRS zone (in a particular CRS or the default CRS), including intermediate points refining the geometry of the zone suitable for accurately representing this geometry |
getZoneRefinedWGS84Vertices | Return the vertices of a DGGRS zone (in WGS84 geodetic coordinates), including intermediate points refining the geometry of the zone suitable for accurately representing this geometry |
getZoneTextID | Return the textual identifier of a DGGRS zone |
getZoneWGS84Centroid | Return the centroid of a DGGRS zone (in WGS84 geodetic coordinates) |
getZoneWGS84Extent | Return the extent of a DGGRS zone (in WGS84 geodetic coordinates) |
getZoneWGS84Vertices | Return the vertices of a DGGRS zone (in WGS84 geodetic coordinates) |
isZoneCentroidChild | Check whether the zone is the centroid child of a parent zone |
listZones | Return the list of zones at a particular refinement level within a bounding box expressed in WGS84 geodetic coordinates |
areZonesNeighbors | Check whether two zones are neighbors |
areZonesSiblings | Check whether two zones are siblings |
doZonesOverlap | Check whether two zones overlap |
doesZoneContain | Check whether a zone contain another zone |
get64KDepth | Return the relative depth at which a typical parent zone has around 64,000 sub-zones |
getLevelFromMetersPerSubZone | Return the refinement level of a parent zone corresponding to a specified meters per sub-zone for a particular relative depth |
getLevelFromPixelsAndExtent | Return the refinement level of a parent zone corresponding to particular pixel dimensions, geographic extent and relative depth |
getLevelFromRefZoneArea | Return the refinement level corresponding to the reference area specified in meters squared. |
getLevelFromScaleDenominator | Return the refinement level of a parent zone corresponding to a specified scale denominator for a particular relative depth and display resolution (in millimeters per pixel) |
getMaxDepth | Get the maximum depth at which a full list of sub-zones can be returned |
getMetersPerSubZoneFromLevel | Return the meters per sub-zone for the specified parent zone refinement level and relative depth |
getRefZoneArea | Return the reference area specified in meters squared for a particular refinement level |
getScaleDenominatorFromLevel | Return the scale denominator for a particular relative depth and display resolution (in millimeters per pixel) associated with a specified parent zone refinement level |
isZoneAncestorOf | Check whether a zone is an ancestor of another zone |
isZoneContainedIn | Check whether a zone is contained within another zone |
isZoneDescendantOf | Check whether a zone is a descendant of another zone |
isZoneImmediateChildOf | Check whether a zone is an immediate child of another zone |
isZoneImmediateParentOf | Check whether a zone is an immediate parent of another zone |
zoneHasSubZone | Check whether a zone has another zone as a sub-zone |