
Module: ecereCOM
Type: Basic Data Type


Core C signed integer data type (expected to be equivalent to C99 'int32_t'). A signed 32 bit integer ranges from (-2,147,483,647 to 2,147,483,647. One some platform a negative value one less is valid.


Used in the declaration section of code, which is before any statements.


int thisInt; // A stand alone declaration of an int.
int a, b; // Declaring two ints at the same time.
int c = 64000, d = -10; // Declaring two ints, and initializing them both at the same time.
int anotherInt = 0x54DA; //Declaring and initializing an int with a hexadecimal value.


Unlike C or C++ where the int memory space can be either 16 or 32 bits depending on the platform, the eC int is guaranteed to be 32 bits on all platforms. Additionally, unlike other languages the int data type is actually a class.

int is otherwise equivalent to an int in C.

See Also

bool, byte, char, char *, double, enum, float, int64, uint, uint16, uint32, uint64, OnCompare(), OnCopy(), OnDisplay(), OnEdit(), OnFree(), OnGetDataFromString(), OnGetString(), OnSaveEdit(), OnSerialize(), OnUnserialize()