Module ecereCOM


The core eC runtime, either bundled within libecere or built as a library on its own

Sub Namespaces

  ecere Top level namespace for the Ecere library


  StringRudimentary string type (resolved to a C 'char *') meant to hold a null-terminated string of characters. Ecere APIs taking a String or char * representing text expect UTF-8 encoding.
  boolBoolean value (true or false) stored as a 32 bit unsigned integer
  byteAn unsigned integer data type representing a single byte of data (equivalent to C 'unsigned char' and expected to be equivalent to C99 'uint8_t'). A byte can range from 0 to 255. Often used to allocate and address memory.
  charCore C data type representing a single ASCII character (equivalent to C 'char' and expected to be signed and occupy 8 bits / 1 byte). A signed char can range from -127 to 127. On some platforms -128 is a valid value.
  char *Core C 'char *' data type, mostly equivalent to the String data type. Ecere APIs taking a String or char * representing text expect UTF-8 encoding.
  classBasic eC object type construct featuring a virtual method table, reference counting and runtime type information (unless inheriting from 'struct'). Class instances are always individually allocated on the heap.
  doubleCore C double precision floating-point real number data type. A double ranges from 2.2250738585072014e-308 to 1.7976931348623158e+308.
  enumCore C and eC enumeration data type construct. eC enumeration values are context-sensitive, can be extended through inheritance, contain methods and properties, and are also a type without needing a 'typedef'.
  floatCore C single precision floating-point real number data type. A float ranges from 1.17549435082228750e-38 to 3.40282346638528860e+38.
  intCore C signed integer data type (expected to be equivalent to C99 'int32_t'). A signed 32 bit integer ranges from (-2,147,483,647 to 2,147,483,647. One some platform a negative value one less is valid.
  int6464 bit signed integer data type (equivalent of C99 'int64_t'). A 64 bit signed integer can range from - 2^63-1 to 2^63-1 (-9,223,372,036,854,775,807 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807). On some platform a negative value on less is valid.
  intptrSigned integral type guaranteed to be the size of pointers (equivalent of intptr_t)
  intsizeSigned integral type guaranteed to be the size of C 'ssize_t'
  shortSigned integral type (expected to be equivalent to C ' int16_t'). A 16 bit signed integer can range from -32,767 to 32,767. On some platforms -32,768 is a valid value.
  structBasic C and eC object type construct which can specify data members (a.k.a. 'fields' or 'records'). eC structs can contain methods and properties, can be extended through inheritance, and are also a type without needing a 'typedef'.
  uintUnsigned integer data type (expected to be equivalent to C99 'uint32_t'). A 32 bit unsigned itger can range from 0 to 0xFFFFFFFF (4,294,967,295).
  uint1616 bit unsigned integer data type (equivalent of C99 'uint16_t'). A 16 bit unsigned integer can range from 0 to 0xFFFF (65,535).
  uint3232 bit unsigned integer data type (equivalent of C99 'uint32_t'). A 32 bit unsigned integer can range from 0 to 0xFFFFFFFF (4,294,967,295).
  uint6464 bit unsigned integer data type (equivalent of C99 'uint64_t'). A 64 bit unsigned integer can range from 0 to 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF (18,446,744,073,709,551,615).
  uintptrUnsigned integral type guaranteed to be the size of pointers (equivalent of uintptr_t)
  uintsizeUnsigned integral type guaranteed to be the size of C 'size_t'
  unichar32 bit integer meant to hold Unicode code points ( 0x000000 - 0x10FFFF)
  unsigned intCore C unsigned integer data type (expected to be equivalent to C99 'uint32_t'). A 32 bit unsigned intger can range from 0 to 0xFFFFFFFF (4,294,967,295).


  acos Arc Cosine
  acosh Hyperbolic Arc Cosine
  asin Arc Sine
  asinh Hyperbolic Arc Sine
  atan Arc Tangent
  atan2 Arc Tangent from y, x components
  atanh Hyperbolic Arc Tangent
  atof Alphabetical to Float
  atoi Alphabetical to Int
  ceil Ceiling function (Smallest integral number greater or equal to)
  cos Cosine
  cosh Hyperbolic Cosine
  exp Exponential function (e^x where e = 2.71828...)
  fabs Absolute Value
  floor Flooring function (Greatest integral number smaller or equal to)
  fmod Modulo
  fputs Output string to a file (does not add a new line)
  getenv Return environment variable
  isalnum Is character alphanumeric?
  isalpha Is character alphabetical?
  isblank Is character blank?
  isdigit Is character digit?
  islower Is character lowercase?
  isprint Is character printable?
  isspace Is character a space?
  isupper Is character uppercase?
  isxdigit Is character an hexadecimal digit?
  log Natural logarithm
  log10 Base-10 logarithm
  memcmp Compare memory
  memcpy Copy memory (cannot overlap)
  memmove Copy memory with potential overlap
  memset Fill memory with a repeated byte value
  pow Raise number to a power
  printf Classic C formatted output
  puts Output string to stdout (adds a new line)
  qsort Quick Sort algorithm for a C array, taking a comparison function
  rename Rename a file
  sin Sine
  sinh Hyperbolic Sine
  snprintf Formatted output to a string with maximum number of characters
  sprintf Formatted output to a string
  sqrt Square Root
  strcasecmp Case insensitive string comparison (System specific - use strcmpi() instead)
  strcat Concatenate a string to another
  strchr Search for a character in a string
  strcmp Case sensitive comparison of strings
  strcpy Copy a string to pre-allocated memory
  strlen Returns length of null-terminatd string
  strlwr Turn a string lowercase
  strncasecmp Case insensitive string comparison (System specific - use strnicmp() instead)
  strncat Concatenate a string to another with maximum number of characters
  strncmp Case sensitive comparison of strings with a maximum number of characters
  strncpy Copy a string to pre-allocated memory with a maximum number of characters
  strstr Search for the occurence of a string in another (case sensitive, see SearchString() for case insensitive)
  strtod Convert string to double
  strtol Convert string to long
  strtoll Convert string to long long
  strtoul Convert string to unsigned long
  strtoull Convert string to unsigned long long
  strupr Turn a string uppercase
  system Make a system call using the shell
  tan Tangent
  tanh Hyperbolic Tangent
  tolower Convert a character to lowercase
  toupper Convert a character to uppercase
  vsnprintf Output to a string variable arguments with a maximum number of characters
  vsprintf Output to a string variable arguments


  fstrcmp(__runtimePlatform == win32) ? strcmpi : strcmp String comparison with run-time platform specific case sensitivity (case insensitive on Windows, sensitive otherwise)
  strcmpistrcasecmp Case insensitive string comparison
  strnicmpstrncasecmp Case insensitive string comparison with maximum number of characters compared