String | Rudimentary string type (resolved to a C 'char *') meant to hold a null-terminated string of characters. Ecere APIs taking a String or char * representing text expect UTF-8 encoding. |
bool | Boolean value (true or false) stored as a 32 bit unsigned integer |
byte | An unsigned integer data type representing a single byte of data (equivalent to C 'unsigned char' and expected to be equivalent to C99 'uint8_t'). A byte can range from 0 to 255. Often used to allocate and address memory. |
char | Core C data type representing a single ASCII character (equivalent to C 'char' and expected to be signed and occupy 8 bits / 1 byte). A signed char can range from -127 to 127. On some platforms -128 is a valid value. |
char * | Core C 'char *' data type, mostly equivalent to the String data type. Ecere APIs taking a String or char * representing text expect UTF-8 encoding. |
class | Basic eC object type construct featuring a virtual method table, reference counting and runtime type information (unless inheriting from 'struct'). Class instances are always individually allocated on the heap. |
double | Core C double precision floating-point real number data type. A double ranges from 2.2250738585072014e-308 to 1.7976931348623158e+308. |
enum | Core C and eC enumeration data type construct. eC enumeration values are context-sensitive, can be extended through inheritance, contain methods and properties, and are also a type without needing a 'typedef'. |
float | Core C single precision floating-point real number data type. A float ranges from 1.17549435082228750e-38 to 3.40282346638528860e+38. |
int | Core C signed integer data type (expected to be equivalent to C99 'int32_t'). A signed 32 bit integer ranges from (-2,147,483,647 to 2,147,483,647. One some platform a negative value one less is valid. |
int64 | 64 bit signed integer data type (equivalent of C99 'int64_t'). A 64 bit signed integer can range from - 2^63-1 to 2^63-1 (-9,223,372,036,854,775,807 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807). On some platform a negative value on less is valid. |
intptr | Signed integral type guaranteed to be the size of pointers (equivalent of intptr_t) |
intsize | Signed integral type guaranteed to be the size of C 'ssize_t' |
short | Signed integral type (expected to be equivalent to C ' int16_t'). A 16 bit signed integer can range from -32,767 to 32,767. On some platforms -32,768 is a valid value. |
struct | Basic C and eC object type construct which can specify data members (a.k.a. 'fields' or 'records'). eC structs can contain methods and properties, can be extended through inheritance, and are also a type without needing a 'typedef'. |
uint | Unsigned integer data type (expected to be equivalent to C99 'uint32_t'). A 32 bit unsigned itger can range from 0 to 0xFFFFFFFF (4,294,967,295). |
uint16 | 16 bit unsigned integer data type (equivalent of C99 'uint16_t'). A 16 bit unsigned integer can range from 0 to 0xFFFF (65,535). |
uint32 | 32 bit unsigned integer data type (equivalent of C99 'uint32_t'). A 32 bit unsigned integer can range from 0 to 0xFFFFFFFF (4,294,967,295). |
uint64 | 64 bit unsigned integer data type (equivalent of C99 'uint64_t'). A 64 bit unsigned integer can range from 0 to 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF (18,446,744,073,709,551,615). |
uintptr | Unsigned integral type guaranteed to be the size of pointers (equivalent of uintptr_t) |
uintsize | Unsigned integral type guaranteed to be the size of C 'size_t' |
unichar | 32 bit integer meant to hold Unicode code points ( 0x000000 - 0x10FFFF) |
unsigned int | Core C unsigned integer data type (expected to be equivalent to C99 'uint32_t'). A 32 bit unsigned intger can range from 0 to 0xFFFFFFFF (4,294,967,295). |
acos | Arc Cosine |
acosh | Hyperbolic Arc Cosine |
asin | Arc Sine |
asinh | Hyperbolic Arc Sine |
atan | Arc Tangent |
atan2 | Arc Tangent from y, x components |
atanh | Hyperbolic Arc Tangent |
atof | Alphabetical to Float |
atoi | Alphabetical to Int |
ceil | Ceiling function (Smallest integral number greater or equal to) |
cos | Cosine |
cosh | Hyperbolic Cosine |
exp | Exponential function (e^x where e = 2.71828...) |
fabs | Absolute Value |
floor | Flooring function (Greatest integral number smaller or equal to) |
fmod | Modulo |
fputs | Output string to a file (does not add a new line) |
getenv | Return environment variable |
isalnum | Is character alphanumeric? |
isalpha | Is character alphabetical? |
isblank | Is character blank? |
isdigit | Is character digit? |
islower | Is character lowercase? |
isprint | Is character printable? |
isspace | Is character a space? |
isupper | Is character uppercase? |
isxdigit | Is character an hexadecimal digit? |
log | Natural logarithm |
log10 | Base-10 logarithm |
memcmp | Compare memory |
memcpy | Copy memory (cannot overlap) |
memmove | Copy memory with potential overlap |
memset | Fill memory with a repeated byte value |
pow | Raise number to a power |
printf | Classic C formatted output |
puts | Output string to stdout (adds a new line) |
qsort | Quick Sort algorithm for a C array, taking a comparison function |
rename | Rename a file |
sin | Sine |
sinh | Hyperbolic Sine |
snprintf | Formatted output to a string with maximum number of characters |
sprintf | Formatted output to a string |
sqrt | Square Root |
strcasecmp | Case insensitive string comparison (System specific - use strcmpi() instead) |
strcat | Concatenate a string to another |
strchr | Search for a character in a string |
strcmp | Case sensitive comparison of strings |
strcpy | Copy a string to pre-allocated memory |
strcspn |
strlen | Returns length of null-terminatd string |
strlwr | Turn a string lowercase |
strncasecmp | Case insensitive string comparison (System specific - use strnicmp() instead) |
strncat | Concatenate a string to another with maximum number of characters |
strncmp | Case sensitive comparison of strings with a maximum number of characters |
strncpy | Copy a string to pre-allocated memory with a maximum number of characters |
strpbrk |
strspn |
strstr | Search for the occurence of a string in another (case sensitive, see SearchString() for case insensitive) |
strtod | Convert string to double |
strtol | Convert string to long |
strtoll | Convert string to long long |
strtoul | Convert string to unsigned long |
strtoull | Convert string to unsigned long long |
strupr | Turn a string uppercase |
system | Make a system call using the shell |
tan | Tangent |
tanh | Hyperbolic Tangent |
tolower | Convert a character to lowercase |
toupper | Convert a character to uppercase |
vsnprintf | Output to a string variable arguments with a maximum number of characters |
vsprintf | Output to a string variable arguments |