
Module: ecereCOM
Type: Basic Data Type


64 bit unsigned integer data type (equivalent of C99 'uint64_t'). A 64 bit unsigned integer can range from 0 to 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF (18,446,744,073,709,551,615).


Used in the declaration section of code, which is before any statements.


uint64 aUint64; // A stand alone declaration of a uint64.
uint64 a, b; // Declaring two uint64s at the same time.
uint64 c = 64000, d = 10; // Declaring two uint64s, and initializing them both at the same time.


Unlike other languages, the uint64 data type is actually a class.

uint64 is equivalent to an unsigned long long in C.

See Also

bool, byte, char, char *, double, enum, float, int, int64, uint16, uint32, OnCompare(), OnCopy(), OnDisplay(), OnEdit(), OnFree(), OnGetDataFromString(), OnGetString(), OnSaveEdit(), OnSerialize(), OnUnserialize()