
Module: ecereCOM
Namespace: ecere::com
Type: Class
Base Class: Instance


Base Container template class

Properties and Members

  copySrcContainer<T>Setting this property will fill this container with the elements from specified container (but without duplicating the individual elements).
  firstIteratorIterator<T>Used to obtain an iterator to first element
  lastIteratorIterator<T>Used to obtain an iterator to last element

Virtual Methods

  Add Add an element to this container at the end
  Copy Copies elements from another container -- Note: Individual elements do not get duplicated through OnCopy()
  Delete Remove an element from the container and free its allocated memory
  Find Find an element by value within this container
  Free Remove all elements from the container freeing their individual allocated memory
  FreeIterator Used to free the memory associated with an IteratorPointer for this container (typically only used for containers representing dynamic sequences)
  GetAtPosition Return an iterator to the element at position 'pos'. If create is true and the position is not currently occupied, an element will be added at that position. If an element was added as a result (with create set to true) and a non-null 'justAdded' pointer is passed, it will be set to true.
  GetCount Return the number of elements within this container
  GetData Return the element data at the position of the iterator
  GetFirst Return an iterator pointer to the first element
  GetLast Return an iterator pointer to the last element
  GetNext Return an iterator pointer to the next element
  GetPrev Return an iterator pointer to the previous element
  Insert Insert an element in this container after a specific element (specify 'null' to add at the beginning)
  Move Move an element after another
  Remove Remove an element from the container without freeing its allocated memory
  RemoveAll Remove all elements from the container withou freeing their individual allocated memory
  SetData Set the data at the position of the iterator
  Sort Sort the container in ascending or descending order

Non-Virtual Methods

  TakeOutRemove an item from a Container by value (implies a Find and is slower than removing from Iterator). The element is not freed.

Derived Classes
